Thursday, December 2, 2010


........"Facts about depression"........

Depression is a whole body illness,
involving the body, mind, and emotions.
It affects the way one eats, sleeps, and thinks.
It causes people to lose interest in,
and pleasure from daily life and can
complicate other medical conditions.
It also became serious enough to lead to suicide.
     Depression can cause dysfunction in every
aspect of one's life and can affect and 
cut across gender, age, race, and income levels.
It can affect one's mental, physical, emotional
and spiritual well-being. Many still regard depression 
as a weakness and not an illness.

    ....... Some symptoms of depression.......
1.  Persistent sad, anxious or empty mood.
2.  Sleeping too much or too little.
3.  Making up in the middle of the night or early morning.
4.  Reduced appetite and weight loss, increased appetite 
                    and weight gain.
5.  Loss of pleasure and interest in activities once 
                    enjoyed, including sex.  
6.  Restlessness, irritability.
7.  Persistent physical symptoms that do not respond
            to treatment ( such as chronic pain or digestive disorder).
8.  Difficulty in concentrating, remembering, or making decisions.
9.  Fatigue or less of energy.
10. Feeling guilty, hopeless, or worthless.
11. Thought of suicide or death.

......Treating depression......
There is a great need to look at integrative medicine in
the treatment of depression and promote an approach 
using the best in modern and traditional health care.
Seek professional help.  Find a mental health practitioner,
who can help you get to the root of your problem help
sort out your options and facilitate treatment and discovery.
Follow a well-balanced diet, include multivitamins,
mineral supplement to ensure you are meeting your
needs for all essential nutrients.
Exercise is very effective method for alleviating depression
as it helps to improve mood and booster self-confidence
and blood circulations.
Relaxation techniques, meditations, breathing exercise
and yoga have been shown to help.........

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