Sunday, June 19, 2011

....."IT'S FATHER'S DAY".....

...A happy Father's Day.....

     Father's day is a day that the world 
 has designated to honor father,
feels different at different times in a 
father's life.
     It's father's day in the Philippines, every
moment always presents opportunities for 
mom, sons and daughters to make Dad feel
loved.  Letting Dad have whatever he wants.
Or treating the whole family for father's day, 
dinner buffet at the restaurant or somewhere
that the family would happily stay in whole 
getting a taste of the food variety.
      For the father's day, it's always sweet.
Children would make cards showing their love
for their Dad and their Dad adored the romantic 
idealization of being  called the world's greatest
      But some children move into their teenage years,
their feelings about you change.  To many teens, father's 
day is no longer so special. They may or may not be 
available for or even excited about a planned family
dinner to celebrate the occasion depending on how 
they are feeling.  At certain stages father's day comes
with mixed feelings.
     As father, he should cherish those moments when he
sat with their kids and was able to really communicate 
with them or when he felt that he shared something
really special.  There would be a teachable and learning
moments for both parents and children when they are
all together.  
       One of the most important thing a father can give 
his children is help them be the best, happiest human 
beings they are meant to be.  And one way to do 
that is for them to see their father not just someone 
who pays the bills and sacrifices for them
but also as a happy and loving person.
      The greatest thing that father can teach  them is
how to succeed at being happy and pursue what makes
their feel alive and creative....
 .....Happy Father's Day to all fathers in the world.....


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