Thursday, October 15, 2015


In the past, it was highly unsual and most improvable for a female to become a Fulong. A woman's role as leader and custodian of the father's territory acknowledged by other B'laan. Upon the death of the female leader, traditional authority, control and responsibility would follow the woman's partiline. The eldest son of the female leader provide
that he possessed the necessary personal attributes, would inherit his grand father's (mother's father) title. Duties and responsibilities of the Fulong. In this manner, inheritance can pass briefly through the female (matrilineal) line until it is once again assumed by the male (patrilineal) line in the successive generation. In case it can be assumed by the male (partrilineal) line in the successive generation. In case, it can be assumed that the daughter of the Fulong is given the honorary and conceptual status, almost equal to that of a male, but without the accompanying title of Fulong. Some men, however, often seem eager to remind the female leader that she is of lesser status and importance than a male Fulong. Induction of Female Fulong followed..........The maral marks the induction to the position of Female Fulong has been held in trust until designated heir to the position of the proper age, maturity and marital status to assume responsibility..........PHOTOS POSTED ARE MY COLLECTIONS..............

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