Wednesday, May 11, 2011


......Laughter: Good Medicine......

      "A merry heart does good, like medicine".
Humor is good medicine and can actually help
keep you in good health.
      Laughter as inner jogging and it's good for
a person's cardiovascular system.
      Comparing laughter to exercise, that when
a person laughs healthy several physical
benefits occur.  There's temporary lowering
of blood pressure, a decreased rate of breathing, 
and a reduction in muscle tension.  It's said 
that many people experience a "relaxed afterglow".
An enduring sense of humor, especially combined
with other inner resources such as faith and optimism,
appears to be a potent  force for better health.
      Christians, above all others, should benefit from
laughter because we have the greatest reason to
be joyful.  Our faith is firmly rooted in God,
and not optimism is based on the assurance that
our lives are under His wise control.
     Don't be afraid to enjoy a good laugh.  It's
good medicine.  
      He who laughs, last.......

1 comment:

  1. ... As saying goes..laugh and whole world laughs with you....Laughter is a therapy, once you start laughing, you instantly forget everything else including your problems.
