Saturday, April 16, 2011

......"MOUNTAINS CAN MOVE!".........

........Faith is the key to Answered Prayer......

      A slogan about prayer is,  "Prayer changes things."  But prayer doesn't do this--God does.  Some people think the prayer itself is the source of power, so they  "try prayer," hoping  it will work for them.  In Mark 11, Jesus disclosed one of the secrets behind all true prayer:  "Have faith in God."  Not faith in faith, not faith in prayer, but  "faith in God".
      Jesus told His disciples they could command a mountain to be cast into the sea, and if they believed if would happen, it would.  Jesus then gave them His meaning behind that astonishing promise.  He said,  "Whatever things you ask when you pray, believe that you receive them, and you will".  Jesus was speaking about answered prayer.  We can ask and receive answers only if our asking is directed to God in faith and according to His will.

     I've often wished that I could move mountains by faith.  But He has done something much more important;  He has removed mountains of worry, fear, and resentment from my heart and cast them into oblivion through my faith in Him.  He is still in the mountain-moving business!  Have faith in God and pray.......

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