..........F a i t h ............
Have you ever wonder if the world will come to its end?
If so, have you tried to ponder on these two vital questions.
Will be saved? Will I go to heaven with God or will I be
thrown to hell? These questions seems very threatening, but
if you have this thing called "F a i t h", in yourself surely
you would say, Why should I bother my self asking those question?
Faith, implies belief, trust and loyalty to God. We have a lot of
religion here in our country. Each one is claiming that it is the
best religion. But is it possible that once we enter this particular
religion and going to church everyday, there is a great assurance
that we will be saved? Definitely not. There is no religion that can
save us. It is our faith in God.

our faith in God. For God so loved the world that He gave His only
begotten son, that whoever in Him should not persist but have ever
lasting life.
Jesus was sent by His Father to help all mankind. He was crucified
on the cross to save us from our sins. And also obvious reason, He did'nt
want us to be burdened with suffering.
Amidst all the miseries and cruelty life has given and will give us,
let us remember that no matter how rough the road will be, there is
always someone who is willing to make it smooth for us to pass through
and it is God.
Identical to our faith is God, is our faith for our friends and partners.
Many ropes of friendships have untied their knots because of broken promises

their down fall because both partners have either fallen out love or simply
because they have withdrawn their invested faith from the other half
of their heart.
I remember one good friend of mind who promised me and was willing to
lend a hand whenever I need help. Simple words of a promise, I believed with
all my heart. But considering how things turned out, fulfilling that promise was
far from possible. Despite of my friends shortcoming, It does'nt make him
less a friend to me.
Yet, our belief on ourselves and on God is the only secret to conquer them all.
To make our life colorful, let us add more to our list of friends. For us to have
a successful friendship always with love, care, and most important "FAITH".....
......HAVE FAITH IN GOD.......