Sunday, September 29, 2013

...'The Tampakan Mines of South Cotabato'....

The the proposed project of Tampakan.......

Tampakan mines  has the largest undeveloped gold and copper deposit in Southeast Asia, Philippines, with potentials to yield 12.8 million tons of copper and 15.2 million ounces of gold.  The said mining project is biggest in the Philippines so far with a worth of $5.2 billions.  The life of mines is estimated to be 19 years.

Mining Company has announced that the excavation of copper and gold resources will be done through open pit mine site.  It is materialized the mine waste, will be stocked up to 300 meters high and will cover about 500 hectars.

The mining company assured that their mine failing dam, will be strong enough.  But constant activity would be eventually destroy the dam and it's toxic waste would cover a very large farming area sown in the mountain.  The failing ponds is a reservoir used to store failings, slurry of spend ore, contaminated with high amount of heavy metals such as mercury, arsenic and copper and other toxic elements.  If the dam fails, there is a high risk that heavy metals and toxic elements will flow to the river.

Various phases of open pit mining would create a massive disturbance to the environmental ecosystem.  Failure of tailing dam is to projected to severely damage the watershed and irrigation infrastructures that support Mindanao's food basket.

Open-pit mining is a method used for primary working large mineral deposits.  Most open-pit mining requires blasting and the use of heavy machinery, particularly power shovels.

The mining company has a sweet promises of development in the communities thirsting for economic support for the government and even basic social services. On the other hand the company promised to provide scholarship, livelihood programs and they would help the development of the community.  But the company failed to disclose the possible negative inputs and the other information about the operation of the Tampakan projects.

Is the Tampakan project will be the solution to the under developed and poverty of the affected areas?
Will in fact worsen the degradation of environment and communities as proven the other mining areas in the country.
Should you allow this to happened in Tampakan?  The mining activity will destroy our environment,
mountains, forest and rivers.

Once the mining company vacuum all the minerals in Tampakan, the company will leave the region, and will be vulnerable to disasters and calamities.  We don't want Tampakan end up like other places......

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