Wednesday, June 22, 2011


.....Ways to Protect your Kidneys......

      As we grow older, our kidneys also start to age, hence we need to protect them.  Another problem with kidney diseases is that majority of patients have no warning symptoms.  Occasionally, some patient may notice leg swelling, which prompts a doctor's consult.

* Limit your salt intake....Too much salt is not only bad for your blood pressure, it also bad for your kidneys. The problem with salt is that it encourage the body to retain water, and can increase your blood pressure which damages the kidneys.
* Don't load up on high protein foods....Did you know that eating too much protein, such as pork and beef meat, can over work your kidneys?  It's true.  It explains that too much protein makes the kidney work twice as hard. Eat a balanced diet of rice, vegetables, fish and fruits and you can't go wrong.
* Keep your blood pressure at 130/80 or lower.... To help control blood pressure, you should limit your salt intake, reduce weight and take medicine for high blood pressure, if needed.
* Keep your blood sugar below 120 mg/dl.....Diabetes and blood pressure are two leading cause of kidney failure. Diabetes affects almost all organs of the body.  A person with uncontrolled diabetes for five to 10 years may develop significant kidney damage.  Consult your doctor and keep your blood sugar under control with diet, exercise, and maintenance medicines.
* Drink eight glasses of water a day....Doctors usually advice people to take in eight glasses of water a day, 
but this really depends on your age and conditions.  Drinking enough water also presents the formation of
kidney stones, a painful condition which, if left untreated can also lead to kidney failure.
* Watch your intake of pain relievers and other drugs....Taking pain relievers like mefenamic acid, ibuprofen, for a prolonged period of time may cause kidney damage, because of this,
we should limit these medicine to only a week, or just take them as needed.  Antibiotics can also cause
kidney damage.  Check with your doctor first.
* Be careful with tests and procedures using contrast dyes....Some test, like CT scans and MRS, use a
contrast dye which helps doctors delineate the organs better.  The problems with such dyes is that they can
cause kidney damage, especially in the elderly and those with previous kidney disease.....
* Don't take too much Vitamin C.... Some patients are fond of taking high doses of Vitamin C, such as in the 2,000 mg. range.  The doctor warns patients against using such high doses.  Too much Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) can lead to the formation of kidney stones in predisposed individuals.  If you need to take Vitamin C, a dose of 500 mg. or less is safe.
* Don't rely on food supplements to protect your kidneys..... According to doctor there is still no food supplement that has been scientifically proven to protect the kidney.  The above tips are so far the best  tips to care for the kidneys.
* Get a kidney check-up.....Simple tests, such as complete blood count.  Patients with diabetes and high blood pressure should also be checked for early kidney disease. 
 * Bottom line is:  Kidney diseases are expensive and difficult to treat.  Let's take the necessary steps to protect our kidneys today.......

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