......I love arts and poetry......Paintings are my favorite past time in my life.....And my writings are my reflection of my dreams and imagination.....Thanks for reading my blog......
As we grow older, our kidneys also start to age, hence we need to protect them. Another problem with kidney diseases is that majority of patients have no warning symptoms. Occasionally, some patient may notice leg swelling, which prompts a doctor's consult.
* Limit your salt intake....Too much salt is not only bad for your blood pressure, it also bad for your kidneys. The problem with salt is that it encourage the body to retain water, and can increase your blood pressure which damages the kidneys. * Don't load up on high protein foods....Did you know that eating too much protein, such as pork and beef meat, can over work your kidneys? It's true. It explains that too much protein makes the kidney work twice as hard. Eat a balanced diet of rice, vegetables, fish and fruits and you can't go wrong. * Keep your blood pressure at 130/80 or lower.... To help control blood pressure, you should limit your salt intake, reduce weight and take medicine for high blood pressure, if needed. * Keep your blood sugar below 120 mg/dl.....Diabetes and blood pressure are two leading cause of kidney failure. Diabetes affects almost all organs of the body. A person with uncontrolled diabetes for five to 10 years may develop significant kidney damage. Consult your doctor and keep your blood sugar under control with diet, exercise, and maintenance medicines. * Drink eight glasses of water a day....Doctors usually advice people to take in eight glasses of water a day, but this really depends on your age and conditions. Drinking enough water also presents the formation of kidney stones, a painful condition which, if left untreated can also lead to kidney failure. * Watch your intake of pain relievers and other drugs....Taking pain relievers like mefenamic acid, ibuprofen, for a prolonged period of time may cause kidney damage, because of this, we should limit these medicine to only a week, or just take them as needed. Antibiotics can also cause kidney damage. Check with your doctor first. * Be careful with tests and procedures using contrast dyes....Some test, like CT scans and MRS, use a contrast dye which helps doctors delineate the organs better. The problems with such dyes is that they can cause kidney damage, especially in the elderly and those with previous kidney disease..... * Don't take too much Vitamin C.... Some patients are fond of taking high doses of Vitamin C, such as in the 2,000 mg. range. The doctor warns patients against using such high doses. Too much Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) can lead to the formation of kidney stones in predisposed individuals. If you need to take Vitamin C, a dose of 500 mg. or less is safe. * Don't rely on food supplements to protect your kidneys..... According to doctor there is still no food supplement that has been scientifically proven to protect the kidney. The above tips are so far the best tips to care for the kidneys. * Get a kidney check-up.....Simple tests, such as complete blood count. Patients with diabetes and high blood pressure should also be checked for early kidney disease. * Bottom line is: Kidney diseases are expensive and difficult to treat. Let's take the necessary steps to protect our kidneys today.......
Moringa oleifera can provide the right quantity of vitamins, minerals, photochemical, and the natural chlorophyll, which needed by the body everyday, with the stresses and illnesses facing us today. I believe that the Philippines must seriously look into the many health benefits from the lowly malunggay tree acknowledged as the miracle tree. A pure malunggay or moringa leaf and seeds oil extract can help increase energy, strengthen the immune system, manage diabetes sugar levels, and even fight cancer. Moringa has been used for inflammation, malnutrition, wounds from deficiency, and other conditions. Chlorophyll can cleanse our organ, deliver oxygen to all of our tissues, and encourage the growth of good aerobic intestinal bacteria. It can also alkalize our body to be more resistant to disease. It can likewise help fight heart disease, stroke, cancer, chronic constructive pulmonary disease, diabetes, dengue fever, kidney failure, and other health problems.
Father's day is a day that the world has designated to honor father, feels different at different times in a father's life. It's father's day in the Philippines, every moment always presents opportunities for mom, sons and daughters to make Dad feel loved. Letting Dad have whatever he wants. Or treating the whole family for father's day, dinner buffet at the restaurant or somewhere that the family would happily stay in whole getting a taste of the food variety. For the father's day, it's always sweet. Children would make cards showing their love for their Dad and their Dad adored the romantic idealization of being called the world's greatest Dad. But some children move into their teenage years, their feelings about you change. To many teens, father's day is no longer so special. They may or may not be available for or even excited about a planned family dinner to celebrate the occasion depending on how they are feeling. At certain stages father's day comes with mixed feelings. As father, he should cherish those moments when he sat with their kids and was able to really communicate with them or when he felt that he shared something really special. There would be a teachable and learning moments for both parents and children when they are all together. One of the most important thing a father can give his children is help them be the best, happiest human beings they are meant to be. And one way to do that is for them to see their father not just someone who pays the bills and sacrifices for them but also as a happy and loving person. The greatest thing that father can teach them is how to succeed at being happy and pursue what makes their feel alive and creative.... .....Happy Father's Day to all fathers in the world.....
I want to say, How proud I'm for you, You're loving and kind, Who listen, suggest and defend, You're my very best friend.
What would my life without you? You're the best father for our children, When things go wrong, You can be patient and helpful and strong.
You're wonderful father, Thank you for all the support and love, For listening and caring, For giving and sharing, You're even more glad, more grateful and proud, Just to call you Dad!..... ..."HAPPY FATHER'S DAY"...
This was and will always be the question I will ask myself, every time Father's Day is approaching. My first acquaintance to this question was way back when my children were young. Blue colored cut shape stationary with a note saying, " Happy Father's Day"! love, mama--that was my last gift to my hubby during father's day. Simple and concise, I told myself as the years went through. However, I could say that was a good start. Years have passed I bought material gifts of my hubby. These I thought were the best , then I realized they were not, they were just a gift- sake things. And my children open my eyes to what it mean. Because they are my children, I do have the time and skills to make and buy better gifts to my hubby.Compared to them, they could only cut simple heart shape paper out of pad with an " I love you Papa" note.Yes, that was there gift. I even told them that it does not have a worth. But of course, my hubby showed more adoration to the heart shaped paper of my children, for a reason I thought that they were still young. But no, I was wrong, the paper has a worth. The adoration was real. My children were thoughtful, more clever and sweeter than me, for an early age, they were able to find the best gift for his father made him happy. I did not expect that from there gift, I could see the biggest smile of his father. Cost and so much effort are not needed to give the best gift. The simplest would be the best . As long as you see he is happy, you have already given him the best of the best. Happiness is the most expensive and hardest gift to find and give to someone else, especially to a Father........"Happy Father's Day".......
* Remember that great love and great achievement involves great risk. * When you lose, do not lose lesson. * Follow the 3r's ...Respect for self, Respect for others and Responsibility for all your actions. * Not getting what you want is sometimes a wonderful stroke of luck. * Don't let a little dispute a great relationship. * When you realize you've made a mistake, take immediate steps to correct it. * Spend some time alone everyday. * Open arms to change, but do not let go of your values. * Remember that silence is sometimes the best answer. * Live a good and honorable life, then when you get older and think back, you'll be able to enjoy it a second time. * In disagreements with love ones, deal only with the current situation. Do not bring up the past. * Share your knowledge. It's a way to achieve morality. * Be gentle with the earth. * The best relationship is one in which your love for each other exceeds your need for each other. * Judge your success by what you had to give up in order to get it. * Approach love with reckless abandon. * And remember! There will be no oil without squeezing the olive oil....
In the Philippines, the House Committee on the revision of laws is set to tackle the controversial bill legalizing divorce law in the country, filed by a women's part list group and to be discussed by the panel is House Bill 1799 or " An Act Introducing Divorce in the Philippines". The bill proposes five grounds for the filing of a petition for divorce. According to the measures, coupled who may apply for divorce include those who have been separated in fact for five years and those already legally separated for two years. Grounds for legal separation may also apply when these same grounds have already caused the irreparable breakdown of the marriage. In addition, psychological incapacity, causing one's failure to comply with essential marital obligation, and irreconcilable differences causing the irreparable breakdown of the marriage are also recognized as grounds for divorce. Proponents of the bill said divorce will be cheaper compared to other modes of dissolution of marriage especially for poor couples. Getting an involvement can be very expensive while legal separation will not give estranged couples the right to remarry. It's said that it's very difficult to let the people who cannot continue to live together. I think there's a lot of social problems involved and it's possible for two partners to continue to nurture their children. One of the worst, things in the world for a child has to be coming home and seeing his parents openly hatting each other. It's surely worse when the child sees the mother being beaten by the husband. Several of them separated from their husband as soon as they thought their children were grown up enough to understand. Some of them have found new loves, but cannot legitimize their union in the absence of divorce in this country. The divorce bill as it stands, provides for several years of waiting. Divorce proponents are in for long wait.....
The greatest Filipino dream by working overseas. Today, one in nine Filipino workers abroad, where they can earn salaries five or six times higher than they can at home. During 2010 alone, 53,532 people left the Philippines while those nine million already settled across 180 countries sent 17 billion dollars home to their relatives. At 12 percent of the GDP, it is a source of income, the Government is more than happy to see coming in. OFWs or Overseas Filipino Workers remittance have long been a core elements of the Philippine economy. A healthy surge of 6.2 percent growth in overseas remittance has positive gain for the economy, bolstering the confidence of local and foreign investors. Seeing the opportunities brought by the economic boom in the Middle East during the 70s, the Philippine Government it has since sent millions of Filipinos to work in oil companies, construction sites, hotels, and hospitals and tend to the needs of the ruling class and rake in dollar remittances in return. Filipino Overseas Workers, ultimately leave a lasting proof of our kind of bravery, with standing challenges all to give their families and eventually themselves, a better future to look at......