Saturday, May 7, 2011

......"TRIBUTE TO MOTHERS".......

........Mother's Day......

      Sunday, May 8, 2011, will be an important 
date for Moms with Mother's Day.
      Whatever the date, the important thing is
that, countries all over the globe recognizing
the importance of giving tribute to mothers.
The heart of a mother is a deep abyss at the
bottom of which you will always find forgiveness.
How many times have we heard delinquent 
children says, " Hindi niya ako matitiis in 
seeking forgiveness from their moms?


 Mother is a special gifts from God,
She should be loved and cared so much,
that we could bear to live her gentle touch.
 God made wonderful mother,
  Her smile brightens our days, 
who bring us into this world,
Her heart is pure as gold.
Thank you for your tender care
and warmth embrace, 
we're so lucky to have you in our hearts,
"Our Thoughts and Prayers, 
We Love You Very Much".
       "Happy Mother's Day"

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