......I love arts and poetry......Paintings are my favorite past time in my life.....And my writings are my reflection of my dreams and imagination.....Thanks for reading my blog......
A vacation to remember at Hongkong Disneyland Resort.... We'd enjoyed the charming Disney attractions in the resort...
The park rides, the favorite Disney character, and we'd take a picture! Mickey, Minnie, Goofy, Pluto, the Disney Princess, and the rest of the gangs are all there to complete the Disneyland experience...
Disneyland is the best and popular Resort destination of Asia, and the best for families and group of families to enjoy Disney experience together......
The month of May is the merriest and the most beautiful month of the year. Filipinos are celebrating Flores de Mayo. It is the season of many colorful festivals, with the festival of the Flores de Mayo, or Santa Cruzan, as the queen of all fiestas. This festival has since become part of Filipino traditions identified with youth, love and romance. Nine days of prayer (novena) in honor of the Holy Cross precedes the Flores de Mayo or Santa Cruzan. A month-long festival in May ...in honor of the Roman Catholic's Holy Mary, the Flores de Mayo is a religious festival. Many towns celebrate Flores de Mayo with the community congregation in the afternoon to pray the rosary, offer flowers to the Virgin Mary, and share snacks to the children. Children and adults wearing their Sunday best, sing, and dance to welcome the rains that will water the new crops. The last day of the festival is highlighted by pageant called the Santa Cruzan where the town's loveliest ladies are paraded in full sagala, and their pathways strewn with native flowers. The town folk choose their pretty young ladies to represent the various character of the commemoration: the "Accolades of our Lady ", Each one is dressed in an exquisite, colorful gowns. Reyna Fe (Faith), Reina Esperanza (Hope), Reina Caridad (Charity), Reina Mora (Muslim), Reina Bonderada (Flag), Reina Justicia (Justice), and etc.,walk with their consorts under hand-carried bamboo arches decked with color themed native flowers. The male members attending the Santa Cruzan wear barong tagalog, the woman wear any Filipina costumes. As the pageant moves along the streets, devotes holding it candles follows, and join in the rosary, novena and songs of praise. Oftentimes, after the evening mass, the town officials hosts a dinner party for the celebrations.
Roses for you, A beautiful roses for everything for you, and that makes me stay near you. My special friend is like a rose, that brings joy to my heart, that makes me feel glad. Sweet rose, it is just like you fresh and beautiful, lovely and charming, pretty and cute, a rose just like you. Roses kept closed to our heart, a gifts from a friend that never perish, a lovely roses that last forever in in our heart.....
Most Filipino, habitually keep their coins imprisoned for long period in huge coin banks or completely forgotten in various containers. Filipinos use coins regularly, whether as "pambayad, panukli, or pangkawang- gawa. The right of Filipino consumers to receive exact change for all their transactions. The value of coins is also taught in Public Elementary School under the join program of the Bangko Sentral and the Department of Education. "Tulong Barya sa Eskwela". A nationwide coin collection and fund raising campaign for the benefit of public elementary school, which was used to donate brand new computers to public elementary schools. Indeed, wealth creation can start with coins. People are appreciated when they respect the centavo, and to stop hoarding coins. "Ang barya mahalaga, lalo na kapag pinag- samasama.".......
......Growing Old Together..... Growing old is not fear, we should enjoy our life and grow gracefully, as long as you love each other, feel the same when you're together. Since time can't change, you can help each other growing old together, you still have the memories that you can share each other. Growing old together, love still going strong, you showered with romance and accepting who I am, I'm glad you're mine. The laughed that instantly forget everything, help feels better for ourselves, thorough refreshed for the rest of the day. Someday, we will tell them who ever care when we're growing old together.....
Some people living in the city, they don't bother to know their garbage's or wastes like plastic wrappers, cellophane, paper and other items in the right place that often caused the drainage problem in the city. The lack of concern is commonly given to a person who doesn't know what it means to take care of himself or herself likewise with his/her environment. Furthermore, it is marked by lack of attention or consideration or thoroughness in short not being careful. This could also be characterized by neglect and lack of concern. A person lack of concern is not prudent or wise since he/ she does not have the right conscience and doesn't know what's right from wrong. It's really a big shame to have neighbors like that who do not care about the cleanliness of their environment. When the time comes that heavy rain falls down, it will be their respective household members who will supper most from several ailments and one of them includes dengue fever and leptospirosis together with other bacterial and fungal infections. Make it sure that you know where to throw your garbage or waste. We should not allow our environment to be messed up by any items. And make sure that everything is clean. That behavior can be a good sign to keep our city clean and green that usually starts at home. The parents should regularly remind their children about all these stuffs. It's not our City Government help solve the problem in our environment. It's YOU, local resident who should do something good in return to our mother Earth......
I am a sunflower that stand and stay close to the sun, without him I can't stand alone that every one's head turn to see me. I'm a little yellow bright sunflower, living more better beneath my friends. I can laugh, I can sing, I can swing, and shine the brightest of the others that stand besides me. I grow so strong, so bravely all alone. I have faith and I have hope that you're searching. I hope that you always remember this yellow bright sunflower. I'm just a growing sunflower and I have that emotions that touches your heart, I think I'll just smile and say, I love you friends......
In observance of Pro-life month, the head of the Archdiocese has issued some guiding moral principles to help the faithful discern why the church is against Reproductive Health (RH) Bill pending in congress. The Archbishop enumerated the said moral principles in his pastoral letter on the controversial bill portions of which was printed and published. The pastoral letter is entitled " Let the Church Preach the Gospel, Let the Cross of Christ be Implied of It's Power". Respect should be given to the sacredness of human life in all it's stages from natural conception to natural death. The church teaches that from the moment the ovum is fertilized fertilization, human life starts, life is neither that of the father nor of the mother. Right from fertilization the adventure of human life begins. Pope John Paul 11 explained it with greater clarity when he said: "The judgment of conscience has an imperative character; man must act in accordance with it. It is the proximate norm of personal morality. The authority of its voice and judgments from the truth about moral good and evil The truth is indicated by the "divine law", the universal and objective norm of morality. The Reproductive Health (RH) Bill, is not the answer to the problem. Maternal and child health care is presently among the functions of the Department of Health (DOH). Hence improvement of the services in this regard should be made, not the passage of the RH bill....
"A merry heart does good, like medicine". Humor is good medicine and can actually help keep you in good health. Laughter as inner jogging and it's good for a person's cardiovascular system. Comparing laughter to exercise, that when a person laughs healthy several physical benefits occur. There's temporary lowering of blood pressure, a decreased rate of breathing, and a reduction in muscle tension. It's said that many people experience a "relaxed afterglow". An enduring sense of humor, especially combined with other inner resources such as faith and optimism, appears to be a potent force for better health. Christians, above all others, should benefit from laughter because we have the greatest reason to be joyful. Our faith is firmly rooted in God, and not optimism is based on the assurance that our lives are under His wise control. Don't be afraid to enjoy a good laugh. It's good medicine. He who laughs, last.......
...C o c o n u t ... Scientific Name: Cocos Nucifera
Coconut is not a nut but a fruit. Fresh coconut meat is rich in fat and carbohydrates, and contains moderate amounts of proteins. Coconut is used in food products for many purposes. The most obvious use is for decorating cakes, pies, candies, salads, and deserts. *The flavor and aroma of coconut can be compared with that of most fruits- cherry, pineapple, strawberry, raspberry, orange, peach, apricot, prune, raisins, and some vegetables. Sweet potatoes, pumpkins and standard flavor such as chocolates and vanilla. In the Philippines, the coconut industry is considered a million dollar earner that provides livelihood to one third of the total population. As food, coconut is noted for its buko. It is often used for salad, halo halo, sweets and pastries. Another popular product from coconut is the buko juice, also known as liquid endosperm. The juice is promoted as a water therapy to cure renal disorders, called bukolysis. It's the process of reducing or dissolving urinary stones of the urinary tract system using buko water from seven to nine month old coconut. Out of the bud of the coconut trees inflorescence is a juice called coconut toddy or tuba. Toddy can be taken as fresh beverage, as an alcoholic drink (once fermented) and it could also be used in making vinegar, coconut sugar and as a source of yeast for making bread. But one good things about the fresh coco toddy is that it contains inosital, which can be used in treating cancer patients. In Davao City, has producing coco sugar and coco honey from coco toddy. It is a sugar in the form of fructose which is said to be better health-wise than sucrose from sugar cane. Coconut sugar is derived from processing coconut sap, two gallons of which produced a kilo of the sugar. *Coco products have low glycemic index, a measurement of blood sugar, thus good for diabetes and those having prostate problems. It has also glumatic acid, the same ingredient present in Viagra. However, Copra- the dried coconut meal- is still coconuts main product. It has high oil content, as much as 64 percent. Coconut oil, which is the most readily digested among all the fats of general use in the entire world. Studies have shown that coconut oil retards aging. It also counter acts heart, colors, pancreatic and liver tumor inducers. What is interesting is that coconut oil does not affect cholesterol levels of those who consume it. The main reason for this that coconut oil comprised primarily of a unique type of fat molecule known as medium chain fatty acid. In recent years, the popularity of coconut oil boosted with the introduction of virgin coconut oil. It's developed the product in the country, is the oil that comes from the milk that is extracted from fresh coconut milk. Some studies have shown that can prevent sicknesses like skin problems, ulcer, arthritis, asthma, diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, stoke, immature aging, and degenerative diseases. Coconut oil is also used as a basic ingredient in some of the cosmetic soap products. Coconut oil is also used as a basic ingredient to make toothpaste for sensitive teeth. In addition, coconut oil can also be applied to skin, to treat minor irritations, like insect bites and sunburn. *The coconut shells are also used to make the base of musical instrument such as the chinese ban hu and yea-hu. The coconut shell can be also be carved out to make fashion accessories like necklaces, bangles, pendants, earrings, etc. Coconut shells is used to make buttons for their shirts, the fibrous husk of the coconut is used in a surprisingly large number to ways. Ropes and yarns aquarium filters, car seat covers, flower pots, sound proofing, much for plant growing, heat insulation, brushes, bristles, mattresses, door mats and matting rugs and carpets.....
Sunday, May 8, 2011, will be an important date for Moms with Mother's Day. Whatever the date, the important thing is that, countries all over the globe recognizing the importance of giving tribute to mothers. The heart of a mother is a deep abyss at the bottom of which you will always find forgiveness. How many times have we heard delinquent children says, " Hindi niya ako matitiis in seeking forgiveness from their moms?
Mother is a special gifts from God, She should be loved and cared so much, that we could bear to live her gentle touch. God made wonderful mother, Her smile brightens our days, who bring us into this world, Her heart is pure as gold. Thank you for your tender care and warmth embrace, we're so lucky to have you in our hearts, "Our Thoughts and Prayers, We Love You Very Much". "Happy Mother's Day"
People who practice a faith have less heart disease, lower blood pressure, fewer strokes, less depression, faster recovery from illness and may even live longer. Faith means having strong beliefs system, whether you're religious or not. Prayer can be seen as a form of meditation and meditation has a number of health benefits including lowering blood pressure, optimism and social support can be help people recover from severe illness. People who attended religious services were more likely to quit smoking, become more physically active, become less depressed, increase social relationship and initiate and maintain stable marriage.
Faith and Health may include spiritually in your life, try attending religious services. Your participation can be therapeutic if you believe in it. Pray for understanding and acceptance and think good thought, optimism and cheerfulness can make a positive differences. The mind plays a strong role in healing the body and that faith can be powerful medicine......