......I love arts and poetry......Paintings are my favorite past time in my life.....And my writings are my reflection of my dreams and imagination.....Thanks for reading my blog......
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
......."THE AGONY OF THE CROSS"......
.......The Agony of the Cross.......
As Christians, we understand the Spiritual significance
of Christ's sacrifice of Calvary, but it's easy to forget
about the tremendous agony He endured there. The
worst aspect was separation from the Father, but the
physical suffering was also horrible beyond comprehension.
Some thoughts that can deepen our gratitude for what
the Savior did for us....
Jesus was placed on a wooden cross. Nails...were
driven into hands and feet and then the cross was lifted
and jarred into the ground tearing the flesh of the crucified
and racking his body with excruciating pain. It remind us
the even the soldiers could not get used to the horrible
sight, and often took strong drinks to numb their senses.
With a fresh awareness of our saviors physical agony,
let's thank Him for His sacrifice at Calvary. He loved
us so much that He was willing to die for us even the
painful death of the cross.
Jesus humbled Himself and became obedient to the
point of death, even the death of the cross.