Saturday, November 20, 2010

......."GOOD MORNING"..............

............"GOOD MORNING"...........

Happy morning to you,
I woke up this morning, 
the sun shining in my room,
it's sunrise was every where.

Beauty of a new day, 
so bright and clean,
colors of the grass and the trees,
so green and blue.

Flowers of different colors,
blooms around the garden,
my day leads to happiness filled with sunsine,
and I wishper to the wind I love you.

Good morning to you,
I slept well and I have sweet dreams,
when I woke up early morning,
I kiss my loved one and I wish them good day.

It's a new day looking for
the good things and appreciates,
I find peace and joy of the new day,
I have a wonderful day..................

1 comment:

  1. ..........good morning friends....nice to see you in my solblog.......
