......I love arts and poetry......Paintings are my favorite past time in my life.....And my writings are my reflection of my dreams and imagination.....Thanks for reading my blog......
The large number of Filipino children living in the street are every where , especially in urban areas. And sadly, they include children as young as 4 yrs. old or even younger. It's true that government and non-government organization have done much work in this regards. Street children have become a regular sight, especially in urban areas such as Metro Manila. Government estimates place the country's street children population at 3 percent of children age 17 and below. At the national level, the number of highly visible children on the streets is estimated at more than 50,000, according to the study. The study revealed that street children do not only suffer from income poverty but also from other dimensions of poverty, such as deprivations in terms of food, shelter, health, education, water, and sanitation facilities, and information. The study also noted that street children, are in need of special protection because, they face risks and hazards while on the street, without adult supervision......... sol
B'laan scattered all over Mindanao, A Datu or Chieftain ruled B'laan community, with a considerable amount of wealth, in form of gold and other culture and materials. And person such endowed becomes the sole heir to ruler ship. B'laan wisdom is a gift from D'wata or God. Weapons symbol of power arises from their innate hunter mentally, and not solely in there need to protect themselves from enemies. Family is the basic unit of B'laan society, A man can have as many wives as he can afford, provided he pays the sunggod or dowry, to the father of the girl he wishes to marry. Kaingin is the method of farming. B'laans mainly produces corn, rice, and root crops, aside from that, they also plant bananas, coffee, and coconut. B'laan secure in this mountain domain. They were secluded and ignorant of the outside world. Anything that degrades or destroy , or deprives cultural minorities of their habitat is inhuman. For the B'laan, peace and harmony are primary pre-requisites to community life of unity. The B'laans declared in the Assembly of the Lumad Mindanao, to unite other tribes and forgive there enemies. Through that, D'yande wanted to live peacefully, for the sake of old D'yande and the welfare of generation. B'laans fundamental law ...helps our neighbors, and do well and give rice not to steal. The secret of long life is good and righteousliving. The B'laans are proud of their culture and for good reason. Relationship and family ties are high valued: traditional music and dance play an important parts in the events of village life; and their weaving skills have raised an art form. The B'laans play a variety of unique musical instrument to accompany their traditional songs and dances for all occasions, weather they are joyous, sad or momentous. Like weddings, or ordinary moments,like catching river fish. The popular T'nalak with its geometric patterns in a beautiful hand woven fabric. which takes several months to finish. Natural vegetables dyes give the fabric rich permanent black and red colors. With their embroidered costumes, bangles, bracelets, and brass and beaded belts, they are of the most colorful of all Filipino indigenous groups. The B'laan metal crafts tradition is used by the B'laans mythology with good metal works. The B'laans continue of struggle to keep their ancestral lands, preserve their cultural legacy. The B'laans generally respect their elders, and abide by tribal customs. We should provide the greater attention to human right, and democratic freedom............ sol
.........."WE FEEL THE PAIN OF OUR MOUNTAINS"................
The indigenous have been struggling, for the recognition of their ancestral domain. The issue goes beyond of land use. The indigenous people {B'laan} relates, to their culture, and political practices. The Government introduced a revised mining act, to attract more foreign companies to massive projects. One of the first companies to take advantage, exploring with the intention to mine, rich resources of copper and gold. And its also the ancestral lands of the[ B'laans] indigenous people. The company, dealings with the B'laan, and the company, going a head with their exploration of copper and gold in the area. The company employed many manipulation tactics, to force communities to agree to mining, in their traditional lands. The company, has exploited the materials poverty, of the B'laan by offering them services, and this has resulted in confusion, division and conflict among people. Danger is on way, the crops will die, The river poisoned, homes will be flooded and mountains will die. There is already emerging conflict among the tribes. Some tribal leaders have already at their right, by accepting taken from the company, There is no mining activity in the world that does not directly affect the lives of the people.........
Happy morning to you, I woke up this morning, the sun shining in my room, it's sunrise was every where. Beauty of a new day, so bright and clean, colors of the grass and the trees, so green and blue. Flowers of different colors, blooms around the garden, my day leads to happiness filled with sunsine, and I wishper to the wind I love you. Good morning to you, I slept well and I have sweet dreams, when I woke up early morning, I kiss my loved one and I wish them good day.
It's a new day looking for the good things and appreciates, I find peace and joy of the new day, I have a wonderful day.................. sol
I find my self wondering, were times would change, and how could it back again. Never know, what the future hold, only God's grace change the future.
The future is not ours to see, what ever future brings me.
I wish I could show, lots of love than hate, so that more love I can received. Don't mind the past, the future is in your hand. Take it a step at a time, be careful and listen from mistakes, for the future can't predict........ sol