......I love arts and poetry......Paintings are my favorite past time in my life.....And my writings are my reflection of my dreams and imagination.....Thanks for reading my blog......
Thursday, February 24, 2011
......"WATCH YOUR WORDS"......
.......WATCH YOUR WORDS.......
......."EDSA THE HISTORIC EVENT"........
.....Edsa the Historic Event........
February 25, celebration of the 1986 Edsa Revolution on Friday was declared by Malacanang as a special working holiday all over the country, but business as usual as private and government workers were told to report for work except student who will not have classes on that day.
The first People Revolution in 1986, the event is still worth remembering and celebrating. It's about what happened in 1986 and are proof of the great impact and the liberating effect of the revolution, the knowledge of the People Power revolt came from history classes, media report and parents.
Edsa was brought about positive changes such as the return of the freedom of speech. We are a democratic country now and not under a dictator.
It should still be celebrated because even if nothing good really came out of it for the country, it is not only part of the nation's history but also of the world. It is inspired peaceful upheavals in other countries.
The people power revolt did not do much for the country because corruption still persists. It seems like there has not been much improvement because when they ousted Marcos, the leaders who succeeded him turned out to be corrupt themselves so it seems senseless to replace a corrupt leader with others who also corrupt. It is also said that Edsa was a good thing for the country because it ended Marcos rule. The event helped the country's lot in terms of freedom of speech and expression. Everybody was afraid to go out when Martial Law was declared by Marcos. After Mrcos rule ended, everybody was free again.
People Power. A fight for freedom, People holding hands. Marcos against Cory Aquino. People Power effected change and it was copied by other countries.
The problems of Philippine society then still plague us today. The rich are still the ones on top, the powerful still abuse their authority. The people who led the revolution just ended from dictatorship now but we still disrespect each other and the the law.
Other people saying that at least during Martial Law, Filipinos were more "disciplined" and the Philippines more orderly. And what of the proliferation of human rights abuses during that era?
Should the Edsa Revolution, then, still be commemorated annually? May be just to keep it fresh in our minds. It would be better if we actually enact the ideals we fought for.......
February 25, celebration of the 1986 Edsa Revolution on Friday was declared by Malacanang as a special working holiday all over the country, but business as usual as private and government workers were told to report for work except student who will not have classes on that day.
The first People Revolution in 1986, the event is still worth remembering and celebrating. It's about what happened in 1986 and are proof of the great impact and the liberating effect of the revolution, the knowledge of the People Power revolt came from history classes, media report and parents.
Edsa was brought about positive changes such as the return of the freedom of speech. We are a democratic country now and not under a dictator.
It should still be celebrated because even if nothing good really came out of it for the country, it is not only part of the nation's history but also of the world. It is inspired peaceful upheavals in other countries.
The people power revolt did not do much for the country because corruption still persists. It seems like there has not been much improvement because when they ousted Marcos, the leaders who succeeded him turned out to be corrupt themselves so it seems senseless to replace a corrupt leader with others who also corrupt. It is also said that Edsa was a good thing for the country because it ended Marcos rule. The event helped the country's lot in terms of freedom of speech and expression. Everybody was afraid to go out when Martial Law was declared by Marcos. After Mrcos rule ended, everybody was free again.
People Power. A fight for freedom, People holding hands. Marcos against Cory Aquino. People Power effected change and it was copied by other countries.
The problems of Philippine society then still plague us today. The rich are still the ones on top, the powerful still abuse their authority. The people who led the revolution just ended from dictatorship now but we still disrespect each other and the the law.
Other people saying that at least during Martial Law, Filipinos were more "disciplined" and the Philippines more orderly. And what of the proliferation of human rights abuses during that era?
Should the Edsa Revolution, then, still be commemorated annually? May be just to keep it fresh in our minds. It would be better if we actually enact the ideals we fought for.......
Monday, February 21, 2011
........Love Letters........
A letter does not need to be very long or too short. It is the thought of love that comes from the heart that matters. Ways to express it than by a band written love letter......
*A love letter makes the receiver's face glow up. ( This will pulsate the heart of the inamorato and make him smile with joy).
*A love letter never grows old. It is kept eternally as a precious taken by the inamorata, (who would throw away a love letter filled with feelings and emotions?)
*In love letter, you speak out more candidly than you otherwise cannot orally as swain or as spouse seas away from your wife or husband.
*A love letter has power as a novelty than telephone, SMS, e-mail, Tweeter, and face book
*To be old-fashioned, on forest paper is a style and trend these days of LCD and screen.
*A love letter makes the receiver feel special and important.
*A love letter renews and freshens as a spiritual coupling of two souls.
A person in love need not be a wordsmith. The heart will handle that like a gushing out spring water. Just make sure you have band and ink......
Sunday, February 20, 2011
........" ALL ABOUT DIABETES".......
........D I A B E T E S..........
Diabetes is a serious chronic metabolic disease characterized by an increase in blood sugar levels associated with long term damage and failure or organ functions, especially the eyes, the kidneys, the nerve, the heart and blood vessels.
* How does one become a diabetic?.......Diabetes occurs when the pancreas does not adequately produce insulin, It also happens when the body cannot properly use insulin. Insulin is a hormone necessary for the proper utilization of sugar by muscles, fat and liver.
* What are the complications of Diabetes?......Blindness, kidney failure, stroke, heart attack, wounds that would not heal, impotence....
* What are the common symptoms of Diabetes?.......If you urinate frequently. If you experience excessive thirst, If you have unexplained weight loss....
* Who are at risk of Diabetes".......Children of diabetes, obese people, people with hypertension, people with high cholesterol levels, people with sedentary lifestyles....
*What can you do to control your blood sugar?......Diet therapy, avoid simple sugar like cakes and chocolates instead have complex carbohydrates like rice, pasta, cereal and fresh fruits,.... Do not skip or delay meals it causes fluctuations in blood sugar levels,..... Eat more fiber-rich foods like vegetables, .....Cut down on salt, ......Avoid alcohol....Dietary guidelines recommended no more than two drinks for men and no more than one drink per day for women...Exercise... Daily exercises.....regular exercise is an important part of diabetes control, Improve cardiovascular fitness.... Help insulin to work better and lower blood sugar....Lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels.....Reduces body fat and controls body weight excise at 30 minutes each session.....Control your weight.
* Quit smoking...... smoking is harmful to your health.
Maintain a normal blood pressure.....If it is associated with diabetes, reliable blood pressure monitoring and control is recommended, see your doctor for advice and management...
Diabetes is a serious chronic metabolic disease characterized by an increase in blood sugar levels associated with long term damage and failure or organ functions, especially the eyes, the kidneys, the nerve, the heart and blood vessels.
* How does one become a diabetic?.......Diabetes occurs when the pancreas does not adequately produce insulin, It also happens when the body cannot properly use insulin. Insulin is a hormone necessary for the proper utilization of sugar by muscles, fat and liver.
* What are the complications of Diabetes?......Blindness, kidney failure, stroke, heart attack, wounds that would not heal, impotence....
* What are the common symptoms of Diabetes?.......If you urinate frequently. If you experience excessive thirst, If you have unexplained weight loss....
* Who are at risk of Diabetes".......Children of diabetes, obese people, people with hypertension, people with high cholesterol levels, people with sedentary lifestyles....
*What can you do to control your blood sugar?......Diet therapy, avoid simple sugar like cakes and chocolates instead have complex carbohydrates like rice, pasta, cereal and fresh fruits,.... Do not skip or delay meals it causes fluctuations in blood sugar levels,..... Eat more fiber-rich foods like vegetables, .....Cut down on salt, ......Avoid alcohol....Dietary guidelines recommended no more than two drinks for men and no more than one drink per day for women...Exercise... Daily exercises.....regular exercise is an important part of diabetes control, Improve cardiovascular fitness.... Help insulin to work better and lower blood sugar....Lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels.....Reduces body fat and controls body weight excise at 30 minutes each session.....Control your weight.
* Quit smoking...... smoking is harmful to your health.
Maintain a normal blood pressure.....If it is associated with diabetes, reliable blood pressure monitoring and control is recommended, see your doctor for advice and management...
..."Real Love Begins With Two People"...
We are born alone and die alone. Sadly, too, for, some of us live alone.
We could not help but relate giving to loving, since there must be love in our hearts in order to give genuinely. Nobody has gone close to the definition of love, simply because the best definition lies with in ourselves. It says that love is when two lonely people discover each 0ther in their vast emptiness that is much of modern life and hold out their hands to one another. "Real love begins when two people discover the loneliness and the need of each other and realize that they can do something for the other". The first reaction of love is just to touch, to communicate, to share and to make a difference in another life. We sometimes don't know that it happens in the strangest places, like smiling at someone in the jeepney or at a friends party or even saying "HI", somebody we meet along the corridor.
Love grows after the initial of friendship grows into a much deeper feeling. As we begin to be more concerned of the other and less on our own selves, we begin to view the other as important as our lives...we begin to genuinely GIVE....we begin to truly Love The real mystery is how two people-so different from each other-become one.
Giving out love and receiving in return is a very nice feeling to be in but we should always put in mind that when ever there love, consequences and sacrifices follow. We should never forget that there is no sun without rain, labor without rest and likewise love without pain. We ought to do certain sacrifices if we love someone, since loving a person is no longer a "ME" or "YOU" but "WE". Sometimes we need to sacrifice going out without "barkadas" to attend to the needs of our love arises. We sacrifice our own pleasures to the concerns of the other, and even sacrifice to be with the family on Sundays just to hear mass with that special someone. Pain s what we get in return to love, aside from happiness and contentment. It is something we human belongs tend to avoid because it is the hardest way to learn. The hardest lesson always hurts-but is the only way that teaches us how to survive. What is not hard here on earth?
A quote on love: Love begets love, after you've given all you have, love begets love... I didn't know at that time what it meant but as I go through life and love, slowly I've come to realize that love is all about risk..it is about how you put your heart on the line for something nice but painful feeling.
"We must not expect too much from life. We must give to life at least as much as we receive from it. Every moment, one lives differently from the other. The good, the bad, hardship, the joy, the tragedy, love, and happiness are all interwoven into one single indescribable whole thing called life. We cannot separate the good from the bad. And perhaps there is no need to do so either".
Friday, February 18, 2011
......"Scuttle Butt".......
People have the passion to do speedy transmission of near-factual (or non factual at all!) information-gossip....
We can't blame anyone our genes. By nature, we are drawn to listening to squalid, colorful, and controversial somewhat "wrong" information. Plus the fact that we won't be left behind with the latest "news" out break adds to the excitement and habitual must-tell-a friend or can't-keep-it-on-my-own actions spread the fire.
I would like to share a story, I read in a book. It's about a lady gossiper who spread rumors about her neighbor. Well, of course, that rumors spread fast like wild fire around the community. What would the person it concerned feels? Hurt and offended. Eventually the woman responsible for the gossip learned that it was all fraud. Being so sorry for her action, she consulted an old sage to ask what she can do to repair the damage. The sage told her to go the market, buy a chicken and kill it. Then while in her home, deplume its feathers and drop them one by one along the road, and so she did. The following day, she came back to wise man and she followed the same road but to her disappointments, the wind blew all the feathers away. After searching for an hour, she went back with only three feathers. Then the old sage told her, It's easy to rumors, but once you do, you can never completely undo the wrong.
The lesson in the story! Don't talk about things you don't know well if you don't want to regret it in the end. Remember that "Stick and stones can only break a bone but words can shuttle a soul"
Thursday, February 17, 2011
... Pinoys Aware of Lung Ailments"...
I have my friend used to smoke two packs a day especially when he was under stress. He noted progressive shortness of breath especially when climbing the stairs, but he just attributed this to lack of exercise, He had on and off cough with phlegm particularly in the morning. He self medicated, but no improvement. His shortness of breath and anything became progressively severe prompting him to consult their physician. After a battery of tests, he was diagnosed to have Chronic Obstruction Pulmonary Disease (COPD).
Now, he requires oxygen supplementation by nasal prong several hours a day because of his severe COPD. Had he known much earlier about the killer disease he had, and how he literally killed himself with his smoking, he would have likely quit smoking much earlier.
2010 was declared as the official year of the lung by the Forum of International Respiratory Societies(FRS) and through the efforts of the Philippines College of Chest Physician (PCCP). This campaign was also adopted in the Philippines with an executive order which the President signed in January last year.
The Asian Pacific Society of Respiratory (APSR), congress is an annual gathering of different of respiratory societies all across Asia and this was the first time that it was hosted in the Philippines.
By making this congress the culminating activity for the year of the lung, this event became a gathering of Pulmologists and other Internist, concern about the health of the respiratory system all over the world as well.
The year of the lung campaign is based on the belief that lack of public awareness of lung health is in an important barrier and diagnosis, treatment and development of lung diseases. The specific goals of the campaign are to raise awareness about lung health among the public, to imitate action in communities worldwide, and advocate for resources to combat lung disease in including resources for research and research training programs worldwide. The Forum of International Respiratory Societies (FIRS)intended to come up with a practical plan to achieve its goal.
I have my friend used to smoke two packs a day especially when he was under stress. He noted progressive shortness of breath especially when climbing the stairs, but he just attributed this to lack of exercise, He had on and off cough with phlegm particularly in the morning. He self medicated, but no improvement. His shortness of breath and anything became progressively severe prompting him to consult their physician. After a battery of tests, he was diagnosed to have Chronic Obstruction Pulmonary Disease (COPD).
Now, he requires oxygen supplementation by nasal prong several hours a day because of his severe COPD. Had he known much earlier about the killer disease he had, and how he literally killed himself with his smoking, he would have likely quit smoking much earlier.
2010 was declared as the official year of the lung by the Forum of International Respiratory Societies(FRS) and through the efforts of the Philippines College of Chest Physician (PCCP). This campaign was also adopted in the Philippines with an executive order which the President signed in January last year.
The Asian Pacific Society of Respiratory (APSR), congress is an annual gathering of different of respiratory societies all across Asia and this was the first time that it was hosted in the Philippines.
By making this congress the culminating activity for the year of the lung, this event became a gathering of Pulmologists and other Internist, concern about the health of the respiratory system all over the world as well.
The year of the lung campaign is based on the belief that lack of public awareness of lung health is in an important barrier and diagnosis, treatment and development of lung diseases. The specific goals of the campaign are to raise awareness about lung health among the public, to imitate action in communities worldwide, and advocate for resources to combat lung disease in including resources for research and research training programs worldwide. The Forum of International Respiratory Societies (FIRS)intended to come up with a practical plan to achieve its goal.
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
......."IS YOUR LOVE FOREVER?"........
......."Is Your Love Forever?".......
When it comes to the subject of love, things change a bit. We do not welcome all unexpected big changes in at out love life. We loathe separation, sickness, and death in a relationship, and if we really love out partners, we try to cement it, further with little aspects, we ordinarily encounter such as going together to a charming restaurant we just discovered. Everyday is a bright new day for us, there is no need to look for alterations and novelty where there is none. We say our love is firm, it will last forever, and then we happily settle in a nut.
Where men are happily settled and women see them as a bag in rug, they become curious and want to get things moving. Fortunately, this behavior is not forever and when the couple has learned to live with each other, accepting their short comings and all they will settle into other more serious business. Time or maturity, where ever comes first changes them.
Falling in love takes three forms, loving the other for what he/she really is, seeing ourselves through him/her, or experiencing affinity where each of the couple mutually feels oneness with each other. These are the types of love that go on.
Love is an expression of human emotions of affection and caring, and as long as we live, we expend effort to please our partners and after we shall have passed on, what happens on the other side? Shall the love we had shared with our partners in earth continue? Is he/she our soul mate or shall we find, our real twin souls there?
One of the most abused word is "soul mate". It is a immediately applied to describe the emotions felt for a partner suggesting he or she is perfect and the only one. Finding somebody who is a lot compatible with ourselves is not an easy task and finding someone who is very, very like our own selves is even much more difficult.
In this regard, each of the couple, regardless of how close they have been to each other will how be complete. Couples can choose to be together and if there is true love and if they really wish happiness for their fun. This may be a totally foreign concept for us but it gives hope and defines happiness to what we may find next.
Therefore, Love is Forever and the concept changes and becomes a bit more profound when we deal about it in a different realm or dimension. Each person will be happy in the own piece of paradise, and as for the third party? He or she will be far away from the happy couple.....
When it comes to the subject of love, things change a bit. We do not welcome all unexpected big changes in at out love life. We loathe separation, sickness, and death in a relationship, and if we really love out partners, we try to cement it, further with little aspects, we ordinarily encounter such as going together to a charming restaurant we just discovered. Everyday is a bright new day for us, there is no need to look for alterations and novelty where there is none. We say our love is firm, it will last forever, and then we happily settle in a nut.
Where men are happily settled and women see them as a bag in rug, they become curious and want to get things moving. Fortunately, this behavior is not forever and when the couple has learned to live with each other, accepting their short comings and all they will settle into other more serious business. Time or maturity, where ever comes first changes them.
Falling in love takes three forms, loving the other for what he/she really is, seeing ourselves through him/her, or experiencing affinity where each of the couple mutually feels oneness with each other. These are the types of love that go on.
Love is an expression of human emotions of affection and caring, and as long as we live, we expend effort to please our partners and after we shall have passed on, what happens on the other side? Shall the love we had shared with our partners in earth continue? Is he/she our soul mate or shall we find, our real twin souls there?
One of the most abused word is "soul mate". It is a immediately applied to describe the emotions felt for a partner suggesting he or she is perfect and the only one. Finding somebody who is a lot compatible with ourselves is not an easy task and finding someone who is very, very like our own selves is even much more difficult.
In this regard, each of the couple, regardless of how close they have been to each other will how be complete. Couples can choose to be together and if there is true love and if they really wish happiness for their fun. This may be a totally foreign concept for us but it gives hope and defines happiness to what we may find next.
Therefore, Love is Forever and the concept changes and becomes a bit more profound when we deal about it in a different realm or dimension. Each person will be happy in the own piece of paradise, and as for the third party? He or she will be far away from the happy couple.....
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
......"Happy Birthday My Love"......
Happy birthday!
I love you with all my heart,
I want you know,
That I respect you greatly.
Thank you for being the best man
in the world in every way,
You're a wonderful husband to me,
And a perfect father you are to our children.
Happy Birthday!
You mean so much to me,
Hoping your day is full of happiness,
And a time for celebrating a very important day.
It's a time to wish you a wonderful year ahead,
Happy birthday!
I love you with all my heart,
I want you know,
That I respect you greatly.
Thank you for being the best man
in the world in every way,
You're a wonderful husband to me,
And a perfect father you are to our children.
Happy Birthday!
You mean so much to me,
Hoping your day is full of happiness,
And a time for celebrating a very important day.
It's a time to wish you a wonderful year ahead,
......."THANKS GOD HE SENT YOU TO ME".......
...Thanks God you Sent my Hubby to Me"...
I thanks God he sent you to me,
You and I were meant to be,
We have a bond too strong to break,
We have found a love so true,
My heart is filled with love for you.
Every time I see you, my heart skips a beat,
You make my life whole,
You make my life complete,
My love for you grows more with each passing day,
The thought of your face takes my breath away.
Those eyes fill my soul with happiness,
Those lips I love to kiss,
The day when I become your wife,
It's the happiest day of my life,
Just thinking of that day makes me smile.....
......."MY IDEAL MAN".......
........"My Ideal Man"........
My Ideal Man,
Who can carry himself with dignity,
Someone whom the world,
can look up to and admires.
The biggest assets that man can have is
I like man very intelligent,
and enjoy long talks about everything.
I don't like man who neglect
relationship for work,
a soft spoken voice
would be very nice for a man,
gentleman and he respect woman.
My Ideal Man must be honest,
trustworthy, sincere, and appreciated,
a man who makes me laugh.
He must be romantic,
loving, and affectionate, understanding,
kind, caring and gentle,
a man who are clean and neat.
I hate anything plastic or anything
that is superficial,
of course, we all like to have a little
romance in our life and,
my ideal man is my hubby.....
Sunday, February 13, 2011
.....Valentine Health Foods".....
Valentines Day, celebrations in the Philippines traditionally involve romantic gift-giving of Valentine cards, red roses, candies, especially chocolates, or heart shaped cakes and pastries to loved ones.
But we can change or improve on these usual Valentines Day fare by eating more healthy and imaginative foods, like a basket of fruits, nuts, and dark chocolate, a bouquet of flowers carved from fruits and vegetables, a package of vegetables and beans, or a box of herbs and spices. These are good sources of dietary fiber, the health food wonder. The significant effects of dietary fiber were discovered only in the recent few decades and it has since been hailed as a "miracle ingredients"
Dietary fiber is the component of foods that cannot be digested or broken down into energy. It is not a nutrient, but food rich in fiber are loaded with vitamins, minerals and photo nutrients(plant nutrients). Dietary fiber comes from plants, (fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, legumes, and grains) and none from animals chemically, dietary fiber consists of non-starch polysaccharides (complex carbohydrates) and other plant components like cellulose, pectin, and wax.
Fiber is very helpful in cardiovascular disease, which involves the heart, arteries and veins. Fiber contains which can help prevent the small clots that trigger heart attacks.
Fiber is a natural way of controlling cholesterol is a better alternative to the drugs denominated as "station now commonly prescribed by physicians for treating high cholesterol levels. A high fiber diet significantly lowers blood pressures(hypertension). It is important to drink plenty of water to help digest fiber (6-8 glasses daily). Eat a variety of food sources of fiber, as excessive fiber from a single source can inhibit the absorption of other nutrients. Increase intake of fiber gradually to avoid bloating or diarrhea.
Whether it is Valentines Day, or any other special day, and in fact, all year long, we must aim to have healthy items in our diet that include these fiber-risk foods. Who can deny the wonders of fiber rich foods that help us prevent and fight heart and brain diseases, cancer, diabetes and weight gain, promote digestive regularly and improve immunity? For a long healthy life by just eating these multiple varieties of wholesome and beneficial fiber-rich foods of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes, nuts and seeds.
Valentines Day, celebrations in the Philippines traditionally involve romantic gift-giving of Valentine cards, red roses, candies, especially chocolates, or heart shaped cakes and pastries to loved ones.
But we can change or improve on these usual Valentines Day fare by eating more healthy and imaginative foods, like a basket of fruits, nuts, and dark chocolate, a bouquet of flowers carved from fruits and vegetables, a package of vegetables and beans, or a box of herbs and spices. These are good sources of dietary fiber, the health food wonder. The significant effects of dietary fiber were discovered only in the recent few decades and it has since been hailed as a "miracle ingredients"
Dietary fiber is the component of foods that cannot be digested or broken down into energy. It is not a nutrient, but food rich in fiber are loaded with vitamins, minerals and photo nutrients(plant nutrients). Dietary fiber comes from plants, (fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, legumes, and grains) and none from animals chemically, dietary fiber consists of non-starch polysaccharides (complex carbohydrates) and other plant components like cellulose, pectin, and wax.
Fiber is very helpful in cardiovascular disease, which involves the heart, arteries and veins. Fiber contains which can help prevent the small clots that trigger heart attacks.
Fiber is a natural way of controlling cholesterol is a better alternative to the drugs denominated as "station now commonly prescribed by physicians for treating high cholesterol levels. A high fiber diet significantly lowers blood pressures(hypertension). It is important to drink plenty of water to help digest fiber (6-8 glasses daily). Eat a variety of food sources of fiber, as excessive fiber from a single source can inhibit the absorption of other nutrients. Increase intake of fiber gradually to avoid bloating or diarrhea.
Whether it is Valentines Day, or any other special day, and in fact, all year long, we must aim to have healthy items in our diet that include these fiber-risk foods. Who can deny the wonders of fiber rich foods that help us prevent and fight heart and brain diseases, cancer, diabetes and weight gain, promote digestive regularly and improve immunity? For a long healthy life by just eating these multiple varieties of wholesome and beneficial fiber-rich foods of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes, nuts and seeds.
Saturday, February 12, 2011
......"LOVE HEARTS DAY".......
..."Love Hearts Day"...
Some say that love is the key to life. Others claim that love is the fuel of life and without it, life would be dull and dreary. Few believe that love is the most powerful force on earth. Whatever it is, our capacity to love is limitless. It is also a special God given gift that must be shared with others.
One way of expressing our love, care, concern, and compassion for others, from a simple warm greeting of love, to sacrificing ones life for another.
Valentines Day is just an occasion to remind all of us to share our love to others and spread good cheer, not just on special occasions but everyday, not just to remember of our families and friends but to others whenever that opportune time to have love comes over way.
Sharing our love and concern for others is not something that is scheduled and screened. It comes from within us spontaneously. Love is more than the mechanical act of giving and sharing. It is the human empathy and concern that makes the act of giving meaningful. In sort "you can give without loving, but you cannot love without giving".
When all remedies full-whether in relationship, political conflicts, religious strife, and other kinds of turmoil- try solving the problem by applying the love prescription. Love never fails.
Now that it's Valentines Day, malls or stores are filled by those who treasure the joyous occasion to buy long stemmed red roses, imported chocolates and greeting cards, as well as expensive gifts like signature perfumes and apparel. Many hotels and posh restaurant are swamped with reservations on the Special Day.
Some say that love is the key to life. Others claim that love is the fuel of life and without it, life would be dull and dreary. Few believe that love is the most powerful force on earth. Whatever it is, our capacity to love is limitless. It is also a special God given gift that must be shared with others.
One way of expressing our love, care, concern, and compassion for others, from a simple warm greeting of love, to sacrificing ones life for another.
Valentines Day is just an occasion to remind all of us to share our love to others and spread good cheer, not just on special occasions but everyday, not just to remember of our families and friends but to others whenever that opportune time to have love comes over way.
Sharing our love and concern for others is not something that is scheduled and screened. It comes from within us spontaneously. Love is more than the mechanical act of giving and sharing. It is the human empathy and concern that makes the act of giving meaningful. In sort "you can give without loving, but you cannot love without giving".
When all remedies full-whether in relationship, political conflicts, religious strife, and other kinds of turmoil- try solving the problem by applying the love prescription. Love never fails.
Now that it's Valentines Day, malls or stores are filled by those who treasure the joyous occasion to buy long stemmed red roses, imported chocolates and greeting cards, as well as expensive gifts like signature perfumes and apparel. Many hotels and posh restaurant are swamped with reservations on the Special Day.
..."Legend of Valentine"...
According to one legend,
Valentine actually sent the first "Valentine"
fell in love with a young girl,
who may have his jailer's daughter,
who visited him during his confinement.
Before his death, it is alleged that he wrote her a letter,
which he signed From your Valentine",
an expression that is still in use today.
Although the truth behind the Valentine
legends is murky. the stories certainly
emphasize his appeal as a sympathetic, heroic,
and most importantly romantic figure.
It's no surprise that by the middle ages,
Valentine was one of the most
popular saints in England and France.
Thursday, February 10, 2011
...."Know Your Body to Know Food you Need"....
Weight is one of the most important factors in determining one's health. It is said that people with weight problems are the most prone to different diseases. But too much concern on health. The keyword to having a healthy body is nutrition.
Too heavy or too thin could spell trouble. But even the most health conscious can get really sick could it be he or she is not eating the right food or getting enough exercise? Genetics also play a role in the diseases that people get. Trace if your family has a history of hypertension, diabetes , or cancer. This well help you plan the type of food you should eat or avoid. There are just too many information, sometimes contradicting on the web or in other literature. It would be better to check these pieces of information with doctors, dietitians, or nutritionist. But what if the person has no access to the experts? Perhaps, sticking to the basic is the wisest thing to do.
Fruits and vegetables are the foremost allies of living healthy. But ditching other foods should be done with care. Vegetarians admit they lack some nutrition so they replace it with other food supplements.
To those who are just thinking of changing eating habits, do it with a lot of case and research if you cannot consult a doctor. There is a plethora of information and they can sometimes be overwhelming. Be more discerning on the source of the information.
Fatty and salty foods are a no-no. It's not only increases the risk of heart diseases but may also translate to fat. Lest people know, there are also some food fats that the body needs to generate energy.
Fruits and vegetables still top the list of healthy foods. Grains are also one followed by meat and poultry. While the last two types of foods may contain harmful fats. They have parts that are low on it. The body needs protein and these two are said to have lots of them.
Again, eating should be completed with exercise. Don't feel sluggish in the morning, let the adrenaline work by running or doing some brisk walk. The endorphins that have been released is said to make the mood more pleasant, so that the day right. If you can climb the stairs without sweat, pat yourself in the back for your being healthy.
Ultimately, don't feel restricted or deprived if you are advised not to eat certain foods. Or don't bring
when you think you have been deprived of something so delicious. It's perhaps add to every thing but eating in moderation can do wonders. Too much or too little is not good. Planning a balanced diet will not only make you much healthier but will make eating healthy a way of life.......
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
........"H E A R T"........
........"H e a r t".........
My heart's pure,
That keeps me alive,
Everyday and night,
Heart leads to the one I love,
So, I take care of my heart.
My heart beat so fast,
When I see you,
It tells me if it's real and true,
I take care of my heart for you.
I love you my heart,
That heart's so sweet,
Heart's important to me,
My heart tells me,
I love you.....
My heart's pure,
That keeps me alive,
Everyday and night,
Heart leads to the one I love,
So, I take care of my heart.
My heart beat so fast,
When I see you,
It tells me if it's real and true,
I take care of my heart for you.
I love you my heart,
That heart's so sweet,
Heart's important to me,
My heart tells me,
I love you.....
......."Give Yourself a Break"......
As we walk through the journey called " Life", we meet different kinds of people that greatly influence us. Then, comes the time when you seem to resolve around the world and you don't even know it. Thus, you sake up one day wanting to get yourself back on track, but don't know what to do or where to start. Let me light your path and help you appreciate yourself with these "When".
When a person throws a stone at you, it's wrong to throw to need it to sustain yourself.... Don't starve yourself just because you get hurt by that person, there's nothing wrong with being who you are (unless you've done something really wrong). Keep smiling and eat religiously!
When a task is given to you, grab it! Through you don't have the slightest idea of what it is. You should have "Faith" in yourself!.....Having faith within yourself really helps that you can do it. If you succeed, then that would really great and if you fall, there's still a feeling that you can still try and learn from your mistakes.
When someone steps and looks down on you, rise and put your head up to better yet, give that person a slap on the face. Let him/her wake up to the reality that you're not a scrap and brought out from a trash can. You deserve "Respect".......There should always be respect between parties, whether or not either party feels richer or smarter. Still you are a being with flesh and blood, and you deserve that to be respected.
When you only have money, good for you for a one trip movie with a friend and another friend asks you to another movie (even if that friend will treat you to an additional snacks), restrain yourself with all the strength you have......You know that it's going to be a problem, aside from the fact that you promised and are out with one friend, besides you'll be broke after wards and would find it hard to go home without a centavo in your pocket. You need "self-discipline" in that way, it will be to your advantage and at the same time, you'll be making your friend happy (that you need barrow money from him/her and leave him/her for another friends).
When you get into a fight with your sister, and she's throwing things type of person, keep your valuables in safe place and let her throw her own stuff around. ...Love your possessions because it's just the same as "Loving yourself". Your love for yourself reflects how you care for the things that are important to you. Besides, how can you love others if you don't even care for yourself, you'll end up a hospital bed. ....Above are really worth looking into, especially when you get yourself lost in this world. Give yourself a break and when feeling really down and blue, rise up and proudly say, "tell all beautiful and handsome that there's always trial in life".
As we walk through the journey called " Life", we meet different kinds of people that greatly influence us. Then, comes the time when you seem to resolve around the world and you don't even know it. Thus, you sake up one day wanting to get yourself back on track, but don't know what to do or where to start. Let me light your path and help you appreciate yourself with these "When".
When a person throws a stone at you, it's wrong to throw to need it to sustain yourself.... Don't starve yourself just because you get hurt by that person, there's nothing wrong with being who you are (unless you've done something really wrong). Keep smiling and eat religiously!
When a task is given to you, grab it! Through you don't have the slightest idea of what it is. You should have "Faith" in yourself!.....Having faith within yourself really helps that you can do it. If you succeed, then that would really great and if you fall, there's still a feeling that you can still try and learn from your mistakes.
When someone steps and looks down on you, rise and put your head up to better yet, give that person a slap on the face. Let him/her wake up to the reality that you're not a scrap and brought out from a trash can. You deserve "Respect".......There should always be respect between parties, whether or not either party feels richer or smarter. Still you are a being with flesh and blood, and you deserve that to be respected.
When you only have money, good for you for a one trip movie with a friend and another friend asks you to another movie (even if that friend will treat you to an additional snacks), restrain yourself with all the strength you have......You know that it's going to be a problem, aside from the fact that you promised and are out with one friend, besides you'll be broke after wards and would find it hard to go home without a centavo in your pocket. You need "self-discipline" in that way, it will be to your advantage and at the same time, you'll be making your friend happy (that you need barrow money from him/her and leave him/her for another friends).
When you get into a fight with your sister, and she's throwing things type of person, keep your valuables in safe place and let her throw her own stuff around. ...Love your possessions because it's just the same as "Loving yourself". Your love for yourself reflects how you care for the things that are important to you. Besides, how can you love others if you don't even care for yourself, you'll end up a hospital bed. ....Above are really worth looking into, especially when you get yourself lost in this world. Give yourself a break and when feeling really down and blue, rise up and proudly say, "tell all beautiful and handsome that there's always trial in life".
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
..."Bishop Concern Over HIV Cases"...
An official of the Catholic Bishop Conference of the Philippines (CBCP), is in favor of voluntary testing for Human Immune Deficiency Virus(HIV) in wake of rising number of HIV/AIDS cases in the country.
The CBCP official criticized the Department of Health (DOH), for the increase in the number of HIV/AIDS cases in the country.
The best way to address the spread of HIV/AIDS is not the promotion of condom or safe sex mentally rather a change in life style and behavior. In the end, the basic to decrease HIV prevalence is precisely change of attitude and behavior. Condom promotion only reinforces an attitude and behavior towards sex which already irresponsible. We should teach the youth about faithfulness within the marriage and abstained for those who are not married yet.
The Department of Health (DOH) has earlier revealed that it registered 174 cases of HIV in December, 2010, which is 38 percent higher than the 126 registered in December 2008.
The new cases had brought to 6,016 the HIV/AIDS cases in the country. HIV/AIDS carriers could rise unless action to address the public health treat Health Statistic have indicated that there are now more than 10,000 Filipino considered as carriers of the deadly virus.
The number of AIDS carriers in the country may even be larger than what has been monitored by health authorities. There are those who decided not to come out in the open for fear that the community will denounce them. We must act now to prevent these cases from reaching epidemic proportions.
Tragically enough, about 15.9 millions of these cases are children. We must ensure that less people will be affected with HIV/AIDS by promoting human rights, We must all see to it that those who need anti-retro-viral therapy have access to therapy and treatment....