Monday, January 31, 2011

........."ART OF PAINTING"............

..."Art of Painting"...

     I've started doing paintings since 1998,
and I had no formal training in fine arts. 
I relied on self study to perfect my works. 
My daughter tried to encouraged me
 to go with it and I never give up. 
 I read art magazines, books and my self
find out how trained artist do it.
     What makes on art work expensive?
  Is the fact that it's the product of the mind. 
Every art work is a laborous expression
 of what is in the mind.
And one of my inspiration is Fernando Amorsolo,
a famous Filipino artist.
      Art adds beauty of everything,
without art life is bland.  At my age,
I'm still consider myself young at heart. 
Creating art never stops. 
I'm doing what I love to do. 
And there is no retirement from what I love to do. 
Any materials is a good medium for art. 
You just have to let out your creativity. 
Painting is my favorite past time in my life.
      I have always enjoyed painting and being creative. 
 I believe can become a way of life. 
Being creative does not only mean painting,
there are so many different ways you can be creative,
cooking at work as a parents, we all have it in us. 
We just need to take that risk and try, try
something differrent or even a bit  a crazy.
       I encourage you to pick up a paint brush and have fun,
make a gift for a friend or you can sell it out. 
Every one can do and you will have so much fun.

Sunday, January 23, 2011


........How to talk to our kids regarding alcohol......

      Let's not just say, don't drink..better tell them the virtue of self-control......
 We have children, nieces, nephews, student, neighbor, and friends who are teenagers.  This is the tine if year of countless merry making parties, get together, dinners.  Alcohol won't be too for behind in these events.
      And since young people are keen to join in on the fun, plus the pressure of their friends and the call of the happy occasion, they may end up stetting aside the rules we've set for them regarding alcohol abuse.
      Alcohol  is and should be considered a controlled substance, not only the possession of but the consumption of it as well.  This is not a problem with responsible social drinkers.  The problem starts when a teenager, or anyone not fully aware of the consequences, takes for granted the effect it has on the brain and body.  Thus, alcohol disrupts normal brain development and processes, the degree of which could be temporary or permanent.  This is the time to remind ourselves to start being more conscientious with our children behavior and self growth.  It's valuable to know that not only are they experiencing physical changes,, their brains are going through the same phase as well.
      When our teenagers consumes alcohol, it can adversely affect his on or her thinking, given the brain process that is going on without proper guidance, whether ours or by others around them outside the home, they will eventually feel confused about what is right and wrong and doubt their own competence as young adults.  Thus, their capacity to make the right decisions might also become haphazard orbit-and-miss.
      This is why we have to build a strong foundation of trust, level of honesty and communication with our teens.  We as parents can only do so much.  We ca not totally control whatever awaits our children when they step outside the secure confines of our homes.
      Key to prevention......
Being more conscientious is key  to prevention and protecting those we love the most.   This goes beyond knowing the danger of over drinking.  Children, especially teenagers, dislike it when  parents nag, that is why reaching our kids should be a lifelong process, make them know that, as they experience the world outside, even if you are not beside them, you will not be far behind.
       Let's not just say, "Don't drink". Rather, we properly communicate to them the value of being in control of one's self when in the presence of a challenges or temptation.  We not only inform them about the dangers. we also give them about the dangers, we also give them the benefits of making the right choice, which do they prefer them, to appear in control of the situation or out of it?
       Advice them to never get into a car with a drink driver.  The life you save may not only be your child's, but your own as well....

Friday, January 21, 2011


.....The Proposed Law Against Discrimination........

Highest official here in Davao City, formally filed his bill that would according to him, change the entire paradigm of the community if passed into an ordinance.  The bill entitled as "Anti-Discrimination ordinance of Davao City.  and is aimed at protecting the minorities from discrimination.  He said that his bills predicate  is based on giving equal opportunity based on gender, race, color, descent, or national ethnic and origin and religion.
      Ordinance defines discrimination.......
Any discrimination, exclusion, restriction or preference based on gender, race, color, origin, and religious affiliation, which has the purpose of nullifying or impairing recognition, enjoyment or exercise, on equal footing, of human rights and fundamental freedoms in the political, economic, labor, social, culture, educational, or any other field of public life.
      The proposed ordinance stated that an act of discrimination is committed other when a person withholds from or excludes or restrict another from  the enjoyments of exercise of a right and or freedom on the basis of the above mentioned predicates, or when a person treats another differently and or worse than another even when both are similarly situated or circumstances in employment, education, shelter, and delivery of basic goods and services on the bases of the same predicates. There are  among discriminatory acts specifically mentioned in the proposed ordinance.
      The proposed ordinance penalized  any violators of imprisonment of nor more than 15 days first offenders and not more than 6 months imprisonment or there who committed violation there than once.  Fines are also provided which is yet to be determined by the city counsel.....

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

........"LOVE OUR NEIGHBOR".........

............LOVE OUR NEIGHBOR............



...........THE UNSTOPPABLE CYBER- SEX.............

.........."The Unstoppable Cyber-sex"...........

      Cyber-sex is a form of sexual act done by two person, literally, through chatting in the net.  This kind of conversation lies under non marital sexual relations.  No formal commitments, no ongoing love affair, no security, no family and of course no children.  Some call it free love or easy sex, which promises only bondage, emptiness and destruction as an exchange.
       Half of the people in the world, ranging from young teens to adults, are now exposed to this kind of conversation.  You see, it is so accessible and  alarming too.  With just a few touches on your key board and clicks on your mouse, you can already have access to it.  Here you can meet different types of people, lesbian, gay, sex freak, you name it, you can find them in the net.  I no longer find it strange that many people today are hooked on it.
      Cyber-sex in tantamount to pornography and prostitution nowadays.  It creates an unsatisfiable appetite for sex.  Once exposed, you'll become more inquisitive for more until you can't get enough of it.  You'll try to seek for more people who you think are likely to indulge on it.  The worst is you might look for someone whom you think can satisfy your urges.
     It is one way or another cultivates sex exploitation to young people.  Try to imagine a young teen gal who accidentally meet someone in the net wanting her to sex-chat with him, without knowing that this man  is twice or thrice her age.  My skin crawls at the mere idea. The man is giving her early exposure to sex.  Out of curiosity and through satanic influence, she starts to have uncontrolled bizarre image.  Thus, it build demonic fantasies  on the young's mind that would lead her to do something experimental, and something against the law.
      Cyber-sex is not educational.  It only endows inappropriate education.  It gives only destruction, nuisance and mountains of guilt to those people who least on it.  It will likely to cause psycho-spiritual damage and severe trauma.
       Those people feasting on sex-chat are humanoids.  They degrade themselves into the lower level of people like idiot. They are not embodying the majority of human beings.  They really don't!  If you're one of these net-sex beasts, stand in the awe of conscience, have respect personal feelings and desire than other areas of life. 
      We can't stop cyber-sex in the net, as long as these people continue to go to it.  The least we can do is to guard our younger siblings or kids perhaps from loading into cyber-sex as well as to cyber-porn by implementing or using a cyber-patrol or any similar service in the net......

............"T I M E" ............

............."T I M E".............

Tick, tack, tick, tack
The clock on the wall,
Every time I look at the clock,
I wish that I could stop the time,
but I couldn't.

Tick, tack, tick, tack
With every seconds future becomes so past,
Time is something unpredictable,
And unbelievable
That no one can explain.

Sometimes when I look at the clock,
I remember there's always time for everything,
To dream, to write, and to  love.
Love that makes us stronger
Each and everyday.

Tick, tack, tick, tack
It's time to pray,
To make our lives better,
Time will tell what future hold,
Only God knows everything....

............"WHY I WRITE POETRY?"...........

........"Why I Write Poetry?".........

I write to express word feelings, words that someday ,
someone will understand.
Writing poetry, my mind needs to exercise,
and it's much like therapy.

Words that express by putting life,
into words in rhymes whatever is inside,
of how I feel, what I express love and anger.
So, let the world knows,
who I am, what I am?

I write to let you know,
what I like, and dislike about you,
I write because  I would like to live forever,
And I love to share whatever  I learned.
I can write and write and no one can tells me to stop. 

My writings are my reflection of my dream and imagination.
It expresses my feelings and thought to past the time
and show some joy I have thought,
 with simple poems that I have wrote.....

Sunday, January 16, 2011

.........."F A I T H"............

..........F a i t h ............

     Have you ever wonder if the world will come to its end?
If so, have you tried to ponder on these two vital questions.
Will be saved?  Will I go to heaven  with God or will I be
thrown to hell?  These questions seems very threatening, but
if you have this thing called "F a i t h", in yourself surely
you would say, Why should I bother my self asking those question?
      Faith, implies belief, trust and loyalty to God. We have a lot of 
religion here in our country.  Each one is claiming that it is the 
best religion.  But is it possible that once we enter this particular
religion and  going to church everyday, there is a great assurance
that we will be saved?  Definitely not.  There is no religion  that can
save us.  It is our faith in God.
     The verse from John 3;16 emphasizes the need for us to strengthen
our faith in God.  For God so loved the world that He gave His only
begotten son, that whoever in Him should not persist but have ever
lasting life.
      Jesus was sent by His Father to help all mankind.  He was crucified
on the cross to save us from our sins.  And also obvious reason, He did'nt
want us to be burdened with suffering.
     Amidst all the miseries and cruelty life has given and will give us,
let us remember that no matter how rough the road will be, there is
always someone who is willing to make it smooth for us to pass through
and it is God.
      Identical to our faith is God, is our faith for our friends and partners.
Many ropes of friendships have untied their knots because of broken promises
that neither one from both sides believes.  Many manages have reached
their down fall because both partners have either fallen out love or simply
because they have withdrawn their invested faith from the other half
of their heart.
       I remember one good friend of mind who promised me and was willing to
lend a hand whenever I need help.  Simple words of a promise, I  believed with
all my heart.  But considering how things turned out, fulfilling that promise was
far from possible.  Despite of my friends shortcoming, It does'nt make him 
less a friend to me.
     Yet, our belief on ourselves and on God is the only secret to conquer them all.
To make our life colorful, let us add more to our list of friends.  For us to have
a successful friendship always with love, care, and most important "FAITH".....

......"HOW TO LOSE 10 POUNDS IN A WEEK".......

........How to lose 10 pounds in a week".......

      Weight loss is a big problem for  big  percentage of people and for proper results you need to follow a healthy plan based on natural weight loss methods.  There are cases though that you adopt rapid measures in order to lose weight fast.  Here, we explain what you can do if you  want to loss 10 pounds in a week.  For sure losing 10 pounds in a week is not the healthiest thing to do but
you can give it a try and see how much weight you can loss and also assess how easy
or hard is the process.
      Get Ready!.....
      Before beginning the 7 day challenge ensure that your body and state of health is capable for this.  Do not start  without first consulting your doctor.  Fast weight loss can sometimes create other problems to your health and this is highly undesirable.
       Make a jump start......
      To begin your difficult journey you need a jump start.  What you can do at day 1 is to follow a very strict diet that will help you get into the mood of fast weight loss.  You  can eat a good breakfast with cereal and low-fat milk and then during the day you will only eat a couple of fruits and a low-fat yogurt at night.  Drink a lot of water and green tea.  Remember that you will do this for only one day and not more.
      Less is more.......
       For the rest of the day what you will do is try to limit the number of calories you  consume through food.  A good way to achieve this is by eating half the size of the food portions and by drinking lots of water.  Water will keep your stomach full and away from calories.  Do not skip meals and then eat more. The correct way to approach weight loss is by eating small meal
every 3-4 hours.
      No More Snacks......
     You need to understand that to lose 10 pounds in a week you  will have to dramatically reduce the calories you consume on a daily basis.  So, for the next weeks you should completely forget
about soft drinks, sweets, chocolates, snacks, dairy products, canned food, processed food, junk food, and fried food.  You should also limit the consumption of carbohydrates and proteins.  What
you are encouraged to eat is apple and orange, green vegetables, fish, white meat, and salads with no dressings.
     Breakfast is a must.......
      As we said above, breakfast is a must and should not be neglected, while dinner is obsolete 
for the next 7 days.  Start your day1 hour earlier than you are used to.  Spend 10 minutes doing stretching exercise to wake up all your muscles and then walk for 20 minutes.  Get back to the house, do a quick shower and then eat a good breakfast with cereal and low fat milk.  After going home from work, get some rest for half an hour and then exercise for 45 minutes to 1 hour.  During this time you can walk, run and do weight lifting exercise.  Your goal is to work your muscles and force your body to burn more energy.  Do not just perform the exercise you need to ensure that you push yourself to the limits.
     Step Dinner.......
     Dinner for the next 7 days is obsolete.  To keep your stomach busy you can drink water and green tea.  By skipping dinner you give enough time for your body to burn fat from the fast reserves.  This will also have a positive impact on your appearance as it will help you lose inches.  If you find this very difficult to do then go to bed earlier or try to keep your body and mind busy.
      To sum up, in order to lose 10 pounds in a week you need to make a lot of sacrifices and you need to adjust your program so that you consume fewer calories while at the same time find ways to burn more.  Weight loss program like this one are only suitable for a very limited amount of days and no more than a couple of weeks.  For results that last for a long time you need to adopt healthy weight loss guides and practices, this is by far the best  way to lose weight.....

.........."THE FEAST OF STO. NIŇO"..........

......."Devotion to Sto. Nińo"......

      The feast of Sto.Nińo,  celebrated
every January 16, is a widespread and
deeply rooted popular devotion among
Filipino Catholics, its feast day
having been adopted by many
cities and towns throughout
the country.  It may be the 
Sto. Nińo shows that kind of
leadership Filipino are looking for
because the Sto. Nińo is represented 
as a King while being just child.  
So His kingship is  not harsh.  As we look at the Bible, a child is wise and knowledgeable and rule is peaceful.
      This shows that the people are close to children. 
We really love children . 
Every child that comes into 
this world is divine like the 
child Jesus.  Being in the image of God, 
they may bring joy to life like Sto.Nińo,
who comes bringing light, 
hope and heaven into our lives,  We are
created in Jesus Christ from  the beginning
of creation as adopted children.
       Through Jesus, our lives are made 
not only precious but also holy and
unblemished in the sight of God.
Our heavenly Father wants 
all of us to become children of heart
in one family of humanity.  
Let  all children grow like Jesus who lived
right from his birth a holy life
of obedience to God and parents.  
Let not our children be careless or reckless
with their lives  as we are divine
and destined for heavenly life. 
Loving Father, Bless all the parents to conceive
them children in faith and love.
May they  mature them with good character
and prepare them to embrace life responsibly
with love and charity.
       The Feast of Sto. Nińo, the Holy
Childhood day, makes us focus on the value
of helplessness, dependence, simplicity
and trust in the Lord.  We should know 
who we are and our proper place 
before our Loving Father....

Saturday, January 15, 2011

........"MY INTERNET FRIEND".........

......."My Internet Friend".......

I met my friend,
At cyber cafe each day,
Sharing our lives, our dreams,
Our fears, and our failure.
Each one telling of the past,
And many hours spent on line.

When I click upon a button,
There I'm with you.
On my keyboard,
I typed the things I had to say
Sending cyber kisses, 
A smile, and a hug,
 And monitor for our eyes to see.

It gives me such a trill,
When you say "hello friend!",
It makes me happy,
To have a friend like you,
You make me laugh,
When you tell stories,
It's amazing how you become
One of my friend,
And my cherished  friend.

I'm so glad that we met on the Internet,
But the distance keeps us away,
Although we never met each other,
But we made a friendship so true,
I'm thankful that I met you.

I was looking for my mail,
And it was my  friend on web,
To you my friend, I love you.

You're such special friend to me,
Thank you for being my internet friend...

Friday, January 14, 2011


.......Aids Education is Important..........

     One out of every four Filipinos diagnosed
(HIV) Human immunodeficiency Virus,
positive is an Overseas Filipino workers
     A thousand Overseas Filipino Workers
have tested HIV positive, and they now comprise
26 percent reported cases in the national AIDS
Registry as of end of last year, according to data
reaching the Trade Union Congress of the Philippines.
     OFWs are particularly vulnerable to HIV and
 other sexually transmitted diseases because they are
exposed to foreign cultures that tend to abet high risk
behavior, including casual sex.
     The Philippines Overseas Employment administration
should include AIDS preventive education in the free
seminars for departing workers.
     The Overs eases  Workers Welfare Administration
should invest in activities that raise AIDS awareness
among OFWs and there families here.
     In the local level, congress should mandate the
inclusion of AIDS prevention education in all bargaining
contract between management and union.
     It's Government decision to provide condoms and other
modern contraceptives to to couples who would prefer
to limit their number of children and avoid unplanned
pregnancies. This is an fair and sensible approach to
human development and population management.
     TUCP is also pushing for the inclusion of family
planning and reproductive health clinics and services
at the work place every bargaining contract between
union and management......
TUCP- Trade Union Congress of the Philippines
HIV   - Human Immunodeficiency Virus
AIDS- Acquired immune Deficiency Syndrome

Tuesday, January 11, 2011


....."Why do Filipino work overseas?".....

     With the bad employment conditions in our country, it's little wonder that many Filipino are determined to leave their comfort zone to more financially rewarding work abroad.
     Times change. People change. Technology progresses and challenges everyone to adapt to new ways living and working. The Philippines is precariously into this pace in time that most Filipino leave and grab their "hopeless" opportunities out from the country. That much we are aware of right now in the  present locale.
     Despite one's educational back ground and qualifications, most Filipinos are determined to try their luck overseas salary conditions and employment rights amidst the lowest-paying menial and dirty jobs compared to the Philippines. The phase "24/7" has entered the collective cycle and is a routine for most Filipinos just to compensate for their families, debts back home due to the country's economic instability, rapidly rising poverty line, starvation, over population, rising unemployment and underemployment, the increase of crime rates, political parsimonious and poor budgetary contras of the Government organizations.Hence,these cause more and more Filipinos to leave families behind.
     But for some, they harbor their dreams while traveling
around the globe and experiencing cultures. Working in another country allows them to truly to know the people and place as well. On the other hand overseas work also provides those who go out the great prospect to  develops skills that will be priceless in the professional and personal lives.
     We have come to a conclusion that our country's unfortunate in the sense that it could not manage to create conducive socioeconomic conditions for the people who go out and working some other countries. We need to "fast tract" to the present times where, despite touted enhanced economic conditions, overseas labor out flow is alive and well, scuttled by an extensively held vision that financial salvation and job opportunities lay beyond Philippines shores.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

.......".FEAST OF BLACK NAZARENE"...........

 "Viva SeƱor Nazareno!"

     Feast of Black Nazarene, celebrated every January 9, not only in Metro Manila but all over the country. Every year, thousands of devotees take part in the procession as a way of strengthening their faith or fulfilling their "panata" or vow to the Lord.  The image of the Black Nazarene reminds all of us of the suffering.  Jesus underwent out of his  love for all of us.
     The Black Nazarene is carried into the streets for procession in a "carroza" or carriage.  The estimated millions of devotees wear the color maroon and gold, assorted with the image and go barefooted in imitation of Jesus on his way to mount Calvary.         Traditionally, men are the only ones permitted to hold the ropes pulling the image's carriage, but in recent years female devotees have also participated in the procession.  People who have touched the Black Nazarene were believed to have been cured of their diseases, and Catholics come to touch the image to the hopes of a miracle.
Towels and handkerchiefs are hurled to the marshals  guarding the Black Nazarene with request to wipe these in the statue in hopes 
of the miraculous powers attributed to it.
      Black Nazarene image, the overall 
importance of Filipino culture has for the
passion of Jesus.  Many devotees of the
Black Nazarene identify their poverty and 
daily struggles to take wounds and sufferings
experienced by Jesus, as represented 
by image.
     The devotees to the Black Nazarene is a
long time practice of Filipino Catholics,
who believe that their faith in Jesus Christ
would bring peace, joy, prosperity, good
health, long life and love for all.
     The best honor that we can give Jesus
is our faithfulness to His word and the 
following of His example  of charity, humility,
and selfishness love for our fellowmen, may
the Jesus Nazarene teach us to love others
as He has loved us.....


Friday, January 7, 2011

......."OUR NATURE"........

......."Our Nature".......

Nature is God's gift,
Our mother earth,
We should love and appreciate
more than ever.

Stop causing destruction,
So that we can find growing trees,
Blue and green grass will shine,
That we can feel the pleasant breeze.

Flowers that blooms around,
Which are the beauty of the earth,
Pretty birds I often see,
They will live merrily all day.

People must take care our earth,
That will not smelly and yacky,
No cutting of trees,
 So that we can have fresh air to breath.

Nature is our life,
Nature is wonderful,
Nature is for our future,
Everything should be beautiful,
and please protect our nature.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011


.........Some Pilipnos suffering from hunger brought by natural calamities.......

*Was there any day when you felt that the world had completely turned its back on you?  Say, on your birthday, you only have dried fish for breakfast, only small amount for allowance in your pocket, which you only borrowed from your sister/brother and if not for your friend.  You won't be able to eat an ideal meal for your lunch, and on your way home.  Is there any worse case than that?  Oh! yes, these is consider the kids in the pictures featured in television and in news papers. They are just a few of the victims of the floods.
*When I first saw these pictures which I saw in
television and news paper, my heart was completely shattered. In these pictures are children suffering from starvation, and severe of a healthy environment. I never had an idea how severe their case was until I saw these pictures, I could feel the pain and rejection
in their eyes as they try to survive everyday from  natures harassment. They have no regular source for food other than the relief goods, brought to them by volunteers coming from different organizations in the Philippines and other country.  They do not even have water to supply their thirst.
*Thinking of our situation right now, we see Pilipinos, in some regions of the county suffering from hunger brought about by natural calamities.  Recently, killer typhone's hit some parts of the country leaving devastation and death in their paths.  Pilipino survivors are just grade higher than the victims of other countries famine. Now, begging for help from benevolent kababayans.
*Life is really unfair as time for those victims of famine and natures calamities.  Life is unfair all the time, they are there suffering whole on the other part of the world.  Others are enjoying themselves with richness and satisfaction.  So, If you happen to feel that you are being punished or forgotten by God, think again.  There are much worse cases than yours. You cannot see them because you focus more on yourself and your suffering.  Look beyond life's uncertainties and start counting your blessings instead. 
*Let's give back the love, mother nature is giving us. Let's help the ones needing us mostly of crises.  We don't need to fly other country or go to Luzon to donate something.  There are a lot of non-government organizations locally who are willing to be the bridge of your unselfish love.  If you would like to help those suffering from famine around the world.  Your help counts....God Bless Always,,,,

Saturday, January 1, 2011

........WAYS TO BE HAPPY THIS 2011..........

.......Ways to be happy...........

*Life is full of ups and down. In order to experience happiness, you must experience other emotion, including sadness and anger, to some degree nearly everyday.The ideal you should work you have, and who you are to enjoy life, wherever possible and to feel happy most of the time.
* I say most of the time because nobody is going to be happy every moment. Life is just not like that . Happiness needs to be earned, that life is good.
* For those of you with no reason to be happy whose life is basically trouble-free, here are some thoughts
to help you remember that life is good.
......CHANGE YOUR THINKING....Live everyday
as if your last.  People who have survived a terminal illness or accident, witnessed a tragedy or lost a loved one are said to havea different perspective on life.  Many will say that they no longer leave anything until later.They travel, learn a new skill, contact a friend now.  They know and we should all remember that there might not a later.
.....KEEP A JOURNAL....Write an on going list of the good things that happen to you everyday. Problems can be solved and had things cleared from your thoughts by writing them down, too.
Try it- it works!
Think about how you should like to be remembered
and what you might tell your children about your life. 
.....DON'T LET THE STUFF BUG YOU....Wasting your energy by getting upset about life's many minor irritations is not worth it. 
.....DO ANY UNPLEASANT OR DIFFICULT CHORES THAT NEED DOING....Do them now.  Procrastination drains your energy and burdens your mind.  If you are thinking and worrying about something that needs to be done, you might as well be doing it.
.....CHANGE YOUR ROUTINE... Life can began to seems like, but of a chore if we do the same thing day after day, week after week. We need to create interest in our lives, and to do new things.
.....DON'T TRY TO KEEP UP WITH OTHERS.....So, your neighbor have a larger home, the latest system, a new car-who cares?  Look again.  He works on the weekends, and they never to see friends.  Who's better off, really?
......HAVE A BIG CLEAN OUT AND DIVERT YOURSELF OF USELESS STUFF..... Clothes unworn, for a year, the dinner service that you've always hated, kitchen utensils that are in the way but never, unused linen, toys, books, furniture-give it all to charity and you will have helped the poor.  
.....LEARN TO SAY NO....You don't have to do.  Your life is already too busy and you hate running from one thing to another. Give yourself some space to think and time to do something for yourself.
.....REMEMBER TO LOVE YOUR PARTNER WHO HE OR SHE IS.... Have they really changed to much?  Or think about it!  might he/she actually be the same person that you fell in love with?  The relationship might need some work- everything needs some repair work or maintenance after a few years of running-but the parts should still be in working order.
......DON'T LET FAMILIARITY BREED CONTEMPT.....Your partner and family deserve at least the same consideration you gave your friends.  And you deserve the same from them.
.....TELL YOUR PARTNER, FAMILY AND FRIENDS THAT YOU LOVE THEM....Tell them what you love about them,. Tell them when so things well.  A little praise never hurts.
FOR TROUBLES FRIENDS?....It may be hard, but if their problems are beginning to affect you, then you need to try not to be quite so available all the time.  They need to 
address their problems and get on with their lives.
.....PHONE, E MAIL, EVEN WRITE TO SOME OLD FRIENDS.....You've lost touch, but it needn't be forever.  And how is it since you spoke to Great Auntie?  She'd love to hear from you.
.....ENHANCE YOUR MOOD WITH GREENERY.....Cut some fresh flowers from your garden or get up early, lead to the markets and fill your home with loads of cheap flowers, fruits and vegetables.  
......GO TO THE BEACH..... The long view, the wind, the waves,bare feet in the sand, sun on the back, there is nothing so good for the soul
......CREATE SOMETHING......Paint, sculpt, sew, bake, garden- anything!
......BREATHE FRESH AIR..... Go outside or open windows.  Breath  deeply to the bottom of your lungs and feel  the stake air leave you.
.....GO FOR A WALK.... This gentle exercise will renew and invigorate you physically and mentally on your first outing.  Take it up regularly and you'll feel better everyday.
AROUND, CHANGE ROOMS, PAINT WALLS.... It's true, change is a good as a holiday.
.....GIVE YOURSELF SOMETHING TO LOOK FORWARD TO.....Book a holiday, a night out, a massage.
.....INVITE FRIENDS OVER FOR DINNER.....Get any one to dress up, and decorate the room and the table.  Great everyone with cocktails or champagne and have music playing. Spend time about and planning the menu, enjoy the shopping and cooking.  People can't help respond 
positively  when you've gone to a lot of effort for them.
.....SMILE.....Smiling is contagious try it and see.
......MAKE SOMEONE ELSE'S DAY HAPPIER....It may sound a bit costly, but why not?  Start by suppressing the urge to blast your horn at the slow drive ahead. Or you should make a positive by volunteering your time for a charity....